Increased need for energy conservation and lower utility costs are making “zone control” of your comfort system more important than ever before.
Why heat or cool areas you are not occupying? Why put conditioned air you have paid for in… Continue reading
Thermostats help your heating and cooling equipment maintain the optimal temperature setting with the utmost energy efficiency. Today’s electronic models are a vast departure from earlier mechanical styles. Microprocessors allow you to program your home temperatures to suit your lifestyle,… Continue reading
It’s a purchase you make perhaps once in 10 years. All the technology is new. Energy efficiency and saving money are on your mind, but you may not be sure on how to make the best decision.
What about service… Continue reading
Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps. There’s a good chance you won’t ever think about the sound level of your air conditioner or heat pump … until, that is, you try to enjoy a quiet conversation with some friends in your… Continue reading
When you’re frustrated with an equipment break-down, it can be tempting to find the least expensive “quick fix” to get on with your life in relative comfort. That “quick fix” may be the least expensive now, but it may not… Continue reading
Are there new refrigerants available that are safer for the environment?
Yes, and the most promising one is R-410A, also referred to as AZ-20. Comfortmaker offers a new air conditioner with R-410A because it provides high-efficiency cooling along with other… Continue reading
Check the air filter in your furnace or fan coil every 3 to 4 weeks. A dirty filter will cause excessive strain on your furnace, air conditioner or heat pump. Replace your filter when necessary, or clean it if you… Continue reading
The Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A) describes the air in our HOMES and businesses as MORE POLLUTED THAN THE AIR OUTDOORS!! Our INDOOR AIR QUALITY is generally three times worse than outside air. In some cases, much worse!
Indoor air quality… Continue reading
Faith heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. specializes in sizing and installing central humidifiers to prevent dry air symptoms.
Dry air can aggravate upper respiratory problem. Itchy skin, dry throat coughs and cracked nasal membranes are all consequences or dry air… Continue reading