Verification of Control Systems
Verification of Control Systems
Verification of Control Systems: Controls are set to a proper fixed mode to prevent any changes during the balancing, and proper operation is verified.
Duct Leakage Testing: This testing must be specified; it is not a required test in accordance with General Specifications. Duct leakage rate is measured and recorded; unusual conditions specified; and leakage source identified.
A Practical formula for duct leakage testing is:
Pre-Construction Plan Check and Construction Review: These services must be specified in addition to General Specifications; they are not required. These services will assist in achieving design intent; simplify the balance procedures; reduce the time required for balancing; and substantially contribute to more efficient, economical system performance.
Indoor Air Quality: Most IAQ problems are system related and can be traced to poor ventilation. Basic IAQ investigations are performed, and the required air exchange rates are provided to ensure that the facility is receiving the appropriate air quantities. How our Service Differs from Others that may have had the pleasure of serving you.